What Questions Get Asked About LOGitEASY's Boring Log Services?


The cornerstone of our boring log software.



Answers to frequently asked questions.


Cost Savings Estimator

Estimate the cost savings of logging borings electronically.




First save your work, and then continue logging in off-line mode. If the cellular signal at the site is weak or becomes unstable, it is recommended to permanently switch to airplane mode and log in off-line mode.
The LOGitEASY eForm can be used on desktop computers or tablets running Google Chrome or Apple Safari web browsers: - Apple iOS devices (e.g., iPad 2 and higher), - Android devices (e.g., Samsung Galaxy Tab 3), - Windows-based PCs, - Apple MacOS devices.
No, to use the LOGitEASY eForm it is not necessary to buy an app or install software. The form resides in the LOGitEASY Workspace and can be accessed after logging into the Workspace using Google Chrome or Apple Safari web broswers.
Premium Logs – all data entered by or on behalf of the Client in the LOGitEASY eForm and PDFs generated using LOGitEASY Premium Logs Service (including but not limited to boring and well log lithology, sampling,measurement and construction data) are owned by the Client. Free Logs – all data entered by or on behalf of the Client in the LOGitEASY eForm are owned by ICD SERVICES. Refer to our Terms of Service for additional information on data ownership.
The data physically resides in USA, on servers hosted by Digital Ocean, LLC.
As a standard, we provide PDF and .gpj (gINT) or .dat (LogPlot) files with each request for gINT or LogPlot logs. Visit logiteasy.com or contact us for additional template and library files.
No, your company does not need to set up an account first. Just sign up with your company e-mail address and start using LOGitEASY. If you use Premium services, you can pay for DIY Borings Logs and DIY Site Maps with a credit card (or request to be invoiced). For boring log and AutoCad drafting services the Project Manager will be sent an invoice at the beginning of each month for any work completed on their site during the previous month.
We provide general data file with every DIY Boring Log in a standardized database format. It can be modified to meet data requirements of most applications, as all soil characteristics are stored in separate data fields.
Start by creating a new Client and a new Site (Project). Once a Site is created, you can start creating DIY Site Figures, Soil Logging eForms (for DIY Boring Logs & DIY Cross Sections), Boring Log Drafting Requests (for boring log drafting from field notes), and AutoCAD Drafting Requests (for site map, environmental figure and geologic cross section drafting). Access Quick Start Guides, Help Video Playlist, and FAQs under the 'i' menu for additional help.
An Excel database-type file containing data for all of the logs in the event is provided free of charge with Premium Logs. With Free Logs the database file can be purchased for $10/log. We can also provide gINT and LogPlot data files compatible with our standard boring log templates. Data file containing all boring logs for the site can be downloaded from the SITES tab.


Free Logs are always free and include basic logging functionality & PDF log. No data ownership. Free Premium Logs are promotional logs meant for trying LOGitEASY Premium Logs, including all premium logging functionality, free geologic cross sections and data ownership.
Single subscription is for one user. For multiple users please upgrade to Team or Company subscription under Billing & Plans of your profile and provide email and addresses for the users. We can move subscriptions around in case someone leaves or positions change.
Pay-as-you-go services can be pre-paid (using major credit card) or invoiced monthly, and the current payment options are: 1) ACH or domestic wire payment - USA, 2) major credit card processed by stripe.com, 3) international wire transfer (EU) . Sorry, we do not accept checks. Subscriptions can be purchased using major cards, processed by stripe.com. Please contact us for other payment options.
No. Please see our pricing section to learn more about our Soil Logging / Boring Log software, DIY Environmental Figure / GIS software, and Drafting Services pricing models.
Both All-You-Can-Log eForm and DIY Figure subscriptions are priced per user. It is against our Terms of Service to share usernames and passwords between staff members.
Our Terms of Service include our standard billing rates. Rates specific to your company can also be viewed under the 'i' menu in the Workspace. For drafting requests, you can view the billing rate/estimate next to each figure / boring log request. We usually invoice at the beginning of the month for the work completed in the previous month.
DIY Geologic Cross Sections are free with Premium Logs. In order to create DIY Cross Sections for Free Logs, purchase data files or convert Free Logs into Premium (under Settings in the upper right corner of the eForm).

Workspace (Work Management Portal)

FInalized boring logs can be viewed under the Boreholes tab, and under the SITES tab. Edit borehole coordinates, upload survey data, and use finalized borings to create free DIY Cross Sections and DIY Figures, including borehole locations.
Yes, borehole location can be set in Lat/Long, SPC, or UTM coordinate systems, by manually entering coordinates, importing coordinates from a csv file, setting location on a map, or by using your mobile device's built-in GPS. Location can be set when creating the soil logging eForm, or under the SITES tab.
There are two ways to provide answers to clarification status: 1) open the request in EDIT mode, upload requested files /modify the request, click RESUBMIT button (upper left corner of the request) and provide additional notes/information. 2) click on the CLARIFICATION button on the Request list, provide additional notes/information, and click the RESUBMIT button.
In order to view Approved and Closed requests, click the APPROVED and CLOSED REQUESTS button in the upper left corner.

LOGitEASY eForm – Soil Logging Software / Boring Log Software

There are two ways to create an identical editable eForm: 1) Create a new eForm and import data from any or all of the 5 sections (General, Well, Collect, Describe, Measure columns) of an existing log which has not been closed yet - within the eForm. 2) Clone a previously created & closed boring log to create an identical eForm which can be edited as required - under the SITES tab.
This could be associated with running out of memory on the device due to the large number of active eForms. The memory depends on the hardware&browser and is not only used by LOGitEASY, but also by other websites. You can see the used memory under My Logs window. iPad Safari has only 2.5MB total offline memory available, while Windows/MacOS Chrome has 5MB. To clear up memory, please finalize and approve active eForms. Once you do that, these eForms will not be loading into the My Logs screen (you can still edit them after finalizing and approving, by accessing them individually from the workspace). If you are using other websites offline or are using the same iPad for eForms with different usernames, memory will fill up faster. To clear history and website data on the iPad, go to Settings, Safari, Clear History and Website Data. However, when you do that, make sure you are ONLINE and eForm data have been synchronized.
Boring IDs can only be edited while the eForms are open. Once they're finalized, edits are possible to soil description, well construction, sampling and measure sections, but not to Boring ID.
Most likely, you need to change the scale. The easiest way to edit existing soil description entries is to set the scale to CDM (Collect, Describe, Measure), which will consolidate the log displaying only the rows where there is an entry in Collect, Decribe, or Measure) columns. You can click on any of the entries and make edits.
In order to avoid confusion with file versions (since it is possible to print one or multiple boring logs from an event), we are keeping separate PDF files of the latest printed version for each log.
At this point, clients can pick between geotechnical (boring/well) and environmental (boring/well) templates. If required, we can develop a custom template for your company, which would be added as a default option. If your clients require custom template logs in gINT or LogPlot, where you can submit the data you’ve logged to us for drafting using custom templates.
No, eForm subscription includes unlimited number of logs & cross section for a single user.
Since the default scale is set to 0.5', you are not able to select e.g. 0.21' entry for editing. Click the '+' button in the scale button until you reach CDM scale (displays all rows with entries for Collect, Describe, Measure data), which will allow editing any rows with data entries
Go to the DESCRIBE tab, click on the 'Boring Terminated' note, delete it and enter it at a desired depth. Alternatively select more units per page when generating the final PDF boring log.
eForms can be cloned to create a new request based on the completed eForm's data from the SITES or BOREHOLES tabs. You can also start a new request and import data from another eForm which has not been closed yet.
Free Logs can be converted into Premium Log within the eForm under the Settings button. Use it if you need to edit the free log after it's been finalized, or if you'd like to use premium logging functionality, importing data from previously created eForms, creating free Geologic Cross Sections, or require digital boring log data files.
Units have to be selected during creating the wForm. You cannot change units for an open eForm.
It is likely that you’ve entered dates in the first row (BORING tab) which is reserved for borehole clearance dates – those are displayed as footnotes. Drilling dates should be entered in the second row and are displayed in the header of the log.
You have to change the scale to access hidden soil descriptions. The easiest way to edit existing soil description entries is to set the scale to CDM (Collect, Describe, Measure), which will consolidate the log displaying only the rows where there is an entry in Collect, Decribe, or Measure) columns. You can click on any of the entries and make edits.
If finalizing logs using Environmental template, use NOTE button in the eForm (DESRIBE tab), if using Geotechnical template, Remarks tab can be used for notes.
Premium Logs can be edited even after they are finalized. Edit rights stay with the person who had the edit rights last. Project Manager can reassign edit rights (i.e. change logger) even after logs have been finalized. Access finalized eForms from SITES, REQUESTS or BOREHOLES tabs. eForm button is grayed out, but can still be accessed. Free Logs can only be edited before being finalized. For editing finalized Free Log, convert it into Premium Log within the eForm under the Settings button.
Once you’ve started entering the data, log request can only be deleted by LOGitEASY. Please send the request no. to info@logiteasy.com and we’ll delete it for you.
There is one graphic for all well screen materials used in the eForm. The selected construction materials are listed in the header; additional description can be added in Well or Boring notes – they will be shown at the footer of the log.
Use negative (-) value for well cover top under the Well tab in the eForm
When logging offline, please follow the instructions for offline logging (displayed when opening the eForm). Also make sure mobile device’s cache memory does not exceed 2.5-5MB, which differs depending on a device (that can be checked under My Logs). As an additional precautionary measure, data logged in offline mode can be backed up as a digital data picture in the Camera Roll of the iPad photo gallery. To backup offline data, select My Logs and Backup, save the digital data picture, and email the image to info@logiteasy.com and we’ll try to recover the data.
The buttons ensure soil characteristics are entered in a standardized, consistent manner, without spelling errors and can be used in various data management tools and databases. There are a couple workarounds for those who like to use free text entries. 1) Select USCS code and use the ‘Skip All’ button to jump directly to the Notes section, or 2) Use the buttons to enter soil characteristics and then edit them in the following way: • copy soil characteristic part of the soil description • use backspace to return to the USCS code window • click 'Skip All' • paste data into the Note field and edit as required
1) practice entering data from some field notes and get comfortable with the functionality before going out in the field (ideally you should be able to navigate the functionality as comfortably as when writing a text message), 2) check out the Field Logging References section of Help for mobile device add-ons and suggestions.
Scale might not be set correctly or the description entry is below boring depth. Change eForm's scale to CDM (Collect, Describe, Measure) to view all depths with an entries in Collect, Descriibe or Measure ciolumns.
Premium Logs can be edited even after they are finalized. Edit rights stay with the person who had the edit rights last. Project Manager can reassign edit rights (i.e. change logger) even after logs have been finalized. Access finalized eForms from SITES, REQUESTS or BOREHOLES tabs. eForm button is grayed out, but can still be accessed. Free Logs can only be edited before being finalized. For editing finalized Free Log, convert it into Premium Log within the eForm under the Settings button.
In order to change edit rights for an eForm, open the request in Workspace, click 'Change Logger' button, and select a user you'd like to transfer the edit rights to. Keep in mind that if you have not set My Requests (under your Profile & Preferences) to view these requests, you might not be able to see these requests after changing to another user.
As a default, user can view eForms for the sites the user is the PM or Billing Contact, but viewing right can be changed in the Workspace, under Profile & Preferences, My Requests dropdown list. To view your log, they have to open the work request for that boring or well, and then open the eForm. The data they see in the log will be the last data saved to the cloud. Since they are not assigned to the log, they will only have view rights to the log.
If you are working on-line, then every time you save data, it will be uploaded to the cloud. If you are working off-line, you must first switch the device on-line, and then either press Save to save data from an individual eForm to the cloud, or open a eForm from one of the work requests in that drilling event to save data from all eForms in that event to the cloud.
Data is stored in the cache of the mobile device, therefore DO NOT CLEAR cache, browsing history, cookies and data while in off-line mode and before ensuring that all data has successfully been uploaded to the cloud! Clearing the cache in off-line mode will delete any data saved in off-line mode! Ensure that the web browser is not set to clear cache/delete history upon closing.
Yes, if you will have a mobile hotspot with you at the site, you can work with LOGitEASY either on-line or off-line. It is also possible to configure some mobile telephones (e.g., iPhone) as mobile hotspots.
To use the LOGitEASY eForm off-line, there are two steps that must first be completed on the mobile device you will use for logging, while you are still on-line: 1) open one of the work requests (eForms) in the event while connected to the Internet, 2) install the LOGitEASY web app on the home screen of the mobile device (iPad). To ensure that all of the logs assigned to you have synchronized to the mobile device, close the eForm and log out of the Workspace, place the device in off-line mode, open the LOGitEASY web app located on the home screen of your device, and click the My Logs button at the top to view the list of logs assigned to you. Ensure that all of the logs have synchronized to My Logs before proceeding to work off-line.
The LOGitEASY eForm was designed to be as intuitive and easy to use as possible so that the need for training is minimized. Training for the LOGitEASY eForm is provided through a series of quick start guides, short videos (please see the 'i' menu in Workspace), and the amount of training depends on the type of data to be recorded in the field (soil boring, monitoring well, nested wells). In addition to reading start guides and watching the videos, it is highly recommended that an existing hand-written log be used to practice entering data into the LOGitEASY eForm prior to going out in the field.
Once a work request is finalized, it gets assigned a DELIVERED status and you will receive an email notification. To approve the work request, click the APPROVE button. To request edits, click the REQUEST EDITS button, add comments and upload edited PDFs. If no action is taken, the request is automatically approved 5 days after delivery. If you require edits after the request is approved, please create a new work request. If the edits are minor, there will be no charge.
LOGitEASY eForm is based on, and follows Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). The minimum requirement for soil description is the USCS Code. After that, you can use 'Skip All' to enter custom soil description sequence (Premium Logs). Soil Pro functionality offers USCS Code calculation from the percentage of Gravel, Sand, and Fines fractions in the soil sample, and a number of field test data features.
Boring IDs can be changed while working on a log, but are locked once boring logs are finalized.
Click on the soil description you'd like to edit and use Backspace button to delete previously entered soil characteristics. Even though it appears that you are deleting all the entered data in the soil description, previously entered description is still on the screen above the editing panel, and is very easily recreated.
If our standard templates do not meet your requirements, we can create custom templates (T&M charge) and add it to your company account. That template will be used for all your company boring logs. For individual custom logs, request our boring log drafting services.
If your clients require different soil description sequence, use SKIP ALL button after selecting USCS code, and enter free text soil description as a note. Since we provide data files with all Premium Logs, you can modify soil description sequence in the data files and import the modified data in your databases/choice of software.

Boring Log Drafting Services

After you enter data and submit your logs for drafting, we download your data, import it into gINT or LogPlot, and finish drafting the logs (formatting, quality check, etc.). Draft PDF logs on LOGitEASY templates can be generated instantly.
Contact us to request faster TAT. Faster TAT is not guaranteed and will incur additional charges.

AutoCAD Drafting Services

Please provide the following: - site map (.pdf or .dwg), - well locations (sketch or coordinates), - gauging data and sampling date, - other specific requirements (e.g. 'exclude MW-3 from the contours).
Please provide the following information: - client name and site address, - sketch or previous consultant's CAD file, - extent you'd like to show on the figure, - figure title, - any specific instructions
Please provide the following: - site map with the cross section lines (.pdf or .dwg), - list of borings/wells to be included in each cross section, - boring logs - analytical data, if any, to be shown on the cross sections, - any specific instructions.
Please refer to Quick Start Guide under the 'i' menu in our workspace.

DIY Geologic Cross Sections

eForm/boring log has to be finalized (i.e. delivered - final PDF created) for it to be available for generating cross sections.
Once you generate free DIY Geologic Cross Section (the deliverable is PDF file), you can interpolate lithology between soil borings yourself or request our drafting services. Our drafting service deliverable is a PDF file of the cross section, and editable AutoCAD file.
DIY Geologic Cross Sections include the selected borings with lithology graphics, boring/well construction, groundwater elevation during and after drilling, spaced according to their Lat/Long coordinates, ground surface elevations (if added), aerial site map inset with the cross section line, legend and title block with site address and your company logo.
Unlimited DIY Geologic Cross Sections are included free of charge with Premium Logs.
DIY Geologic Cross Sections can be created once all the boring logs in an event are finalized. Finalized borings can be selected for cross sections from the BOREHOLES tab. In order to generate cross sections, borings must have Lat/Long coordinates. For additional information refer to Quick Start Guides in the Workspace under 'i' menu.

DIY Site Maps – GIS Software

DIY Cross Sections are included in the premium log price (pay-as-you-go or subscription). DIY Site Location Maps and DIY Site Plans are charged separately ($10/figure or subscription (same price as eForm subscription)).
Yes, we can provide property line data, groundwater elevation contours, and survey points in csv, geoJSON, dxf, shp, and other geolocated files in any coordinate system (have to provide ESPG code and required file format). Please contact us for additional information.
Yes, groundwater elevation contour maps can be generated online using both, monitoring wells with uploaded coordinates and wells logged using LOGitEASY eForm. Simply add groundwater elevation data, select contour intervals and download the figure.
Yes, survey points, boring and well coordinates can be uploaded WGS84 coordinates (Lat, Long decimal degrees), State Plane (SPC) and UTM coordinate systems. It is important to know SPC Zone number or UTM Zone.
Data tables should be formatted in Excel before copying them to LOGitEASY. Best way to make tables smaller seems to be reducing row heigth and cell width as changing font size does not appear to have an impact when pasted into LOGitEASY.
‘True View’ mapping experience is available to subscribers only (including symbols, linetypes, and elevation contour line colors). Pay-as-you-go clients can see true symbols and colors in print preview mode before generating the final figure.
The dxf conversion service we are using returns black hatch without site boundary. In order to delete site hatch and generate site boundary, first use HATCHGENERATEBOUNDARY command (in AutoCad), then delete the black hatch. Use PTYPE command to change borehole point style. Then add AutoCAD blocks over the exported points.
Legend is added automatically based on the types of survey points / utility lines / site features. For DIY analytical figures legend can be added as an additional table including acronyms, units, and any other notes.
Groundwater flow arrows can be added under the 'Get Maps Online --> Get Site Map and Figures' screen by drawing a line in the direction of groundwater flow, selecting 'Groundwater Flow Direction from the 'Type' dropdown list in the upper left corner, and saving the file.
Additional survey points / site features can be added to DIY Site Maps in the following ways: - add Lat/Long coordinates manually, - import survey data points from a CSV file, - import Goole Earth (KML or KMZ) or GeoJSON format files, - draw site features by hand.
If the auto generated property boundary is incorrect or your project encompasses multiple properties, you can display custom property boundary not only on site plans, but also on Site Location Map. Hand drawn property boundary has to be added on the 'get SITE MAP' page: draw a polygon or a polyline and save as Type 'Site Boundary'. Then go back to 'get SITE LOCATION MAP' and for 'Site Parcel Boundary' check 'Hand Drawn (see 'get SITE MAP')' option.
Yes, you can include LOGitEASY boring logs on the DIY Site Maps.
Site Location Maps and Site Plans can be created right after adding a Client and a Site (Project). Our software automatically searches and assigns Lat/Long coordinates according to the Site address, but you can edit the coordinates for the exact location of the site. For additional information refer to Quick Start Guides in our Workspace, under the 'i' menu.